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Atlantis launch coverage
 Shuttle Atlantis blasted off Friday evening on its mission to the space station.

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Atlantis date set
 NASA leaders hold this news briefing to announce shuttle Atlantis' launch date and recap the Flight Readiness Review.


STS-70: Launching TDRS
 NASA completed its initial constellation of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites with deployment of the TDRS-G by shuttle Discovery.


STS-67: UV astronomy
 A package of ultraviolet telescopes flew aboard shuttle Endeavour in March 1995 to observe Jupiter, stars and galaxies. The crew explains its mission in this film.


Phoenix: At the Cape
 NASA's Mars lander named Phoenix has arrive at Kennedy Space Center to begin preparations for launch in August.

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STS-63: A rendezvous with space station Mir
 As a prelude to future dockings between American space shuttles and the Russian space station Mir, the two countries had a test rendezvous in Feb. 1995.


"Apollo 17: On The Shoulders of Giants"
 Apollo's final lunar voyage is relived in this movie. The film depicts the highlights of Apollo 17's journey to Taurus-Littrow and looks to the future Skylab, Apollo-Soyuz and shuttle programs.


Atlantis returns to pad
 Two months after rolling off the launch pad to seek repairs to the hail-damaged external fuel tank, space shuttle Atlantis returns to pad 39A for mission STS-117.

Part 1 | Part 2

"Apollo 10: To Sort Out The Unknowns"
 The May 1969 mission of Apollo 10 served as a final dress rehearsal before the first lunar landing later that summer. Stafford, Young and Cernan went to the moon to uncover lingering spacecraft problems that needed to be solved.


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Complex 36 mobile service towers brought down
BY SPACEFLIGHT NOW Posted: June 16, 2007
At Cape Canaveral's Complex 36 this morning, the two mobile service towers that had supported Atlas rockets for decades were toppled to the ground with 122 pounds of explosives. The site has been decommissioned following retirement of the older generation Atlas vehicles in 2005.

Additional coverage for subscribers:

Launch pad 36B fell first at 9:59 a.m., followed by pad 36A at 10:11 a.m. The towers will be cut up and hauled away starting Monday. See our full story.
Photo credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight Now

The launch pad 36B mobile service tower is toppled by explosives. Photo credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight Now

The launch pad 36A mobile service tower is toppled by explosives. Photo credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight Now