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Cape damage report
Jim Kennedy, director of the Kennedy Space Center, and Col. Mark Owen, 45th Space Wing commander, hold a news conference on Monday, Sept. 27 to provide a preliminary report on damage from Hurricane Jeanne at KSC and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. (49min 30sec file)
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Hurricane Jeanne
Cameras aboard the International Space Station captured these views of Hurricane Jeanne on Saturday, Sept. 25 as the storm approached Florida. (3min 59sec file)
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Station news briefing
International Space Station program manager Bill Gerstenmaier holds a news conference Sept. 24 to discuss problems with the oxygen generation system and Expedition 10 launch preparations. (44min 06sec file)
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Galaxy clusters collide
Scientists describe a cosmic hurricane in this news conference from Sept. 23, explaining how two merging galaxy clusters churn high-pressure shock waves that leave thousands of galaxies strewn in the wake. (53min 24sec file)
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Meet next station crew
The three men to launch aboard the next Soyuz spacecraft bound for the International Space Station -- Expedition 10 commander Leroy Chiao, flight engineer Salizhan Sharipov and Russian taxi cosmonaut Yuri Shargin -- hold a pre-flight news conference near Moscow on Sept. 23. (43min 05sec file)
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Life on the station
Former International Space Station commander Mike Foale radioed current ISS science officer Mike Fincke on Sept. 22 to discuss actvities and work aboard the outpost. (5min 01sec file)
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Station chat with kids
Expedition 9 commander Gennedy Padalka and flight engineer Mike Fincke talk about life aboard the International Space Station during an in-flight educational event with students at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh. (19min 00sec file)
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ISS educational event
The International Space Station's Expedition 9 crew hold an educational talk with students and members of the National Guard Bureau in Charleston, West Virginia. (19min 53sec file)
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NASA explores advanced space concepts
NASA/JPL NEWS RELEASE Posted: September 28, 2004
The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) has announced its 2004 Phase 1 awards. Twelve proposals to boldly go beyond the frontiers of space exploration were selected for a six-month study period beginning in October 2004.

This is an artist's concept of an electrostatic radiation shield deployed over a future lunar base. The spheres on the poles generate positive and negative electric charges, which deflect incoming electrically-charged space radiation. Credit: ASRC Aerospace Corporation/Dr. Charles R. Buhler
The NIAC was created in 1998 to solicit revolutionary
concepts from people and organizations outside the agency
that could greatly advance NASA's missions. The proposals
push the limits of known science and technology. The
proposals are expected to take at least a decade to be fully
realized. NIAC's intention is to discover ideas that may
result in beneficial changes to NASA's long-range plans.
"We are thrilled to team up with imaginative people from
industry and universities to discover innovative systems that
meet the tremendous challenge of space exploration and
development," said Dr. Robert Cassanova of the Universities
Space Research Organization (USRA), and NIAC director. The
USRA runs the Institute for NASA.
The NIAC sponsors research in two phases. Proposals selected
for Phase 1 awards typically receive up to $75,000 for a six-
month study that validates the viability of the concept and
identifies challenges that must be overcome to make the
proposal a reality.

This is an artist's concept of a liquid-mirror telescope deployed at the south pole of the moon. An astronaut is shown on the left for scale. The mirror is the disk-shaped object shown inside the telescope shroud. The mirror is made of a reflective liquid, and rotates at a uniform rate. In the same way that coffee piles up against the side of a cup when stirred, the mirror liquid piles up against the side of its container when rotated. The rotation, in combination with lunar gravity, gives the mirror an extremely precise curvature to focus light at the detector. Credit: University of Arizona/Dr. Roger J. Angel
The results of the Phase 1 studies are evaluated. The most
promising are selected for further research into the major
feasibility issues associated with cost, performance,
development time, and technology through a Phase 2 award.
Phase 2 studies can be up to two years long and receive as
much as $400,000.
Proposals selected for the 2004 Phase 1 awards:
- A Deep-Field Infrared Observatory near the Lunar Pole
(Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Roger J. Angel,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.)
- Extremely Large Swarm Array of Picosats for
Microwave/RF Earth Sensing, Radiometry, and Mapping
(PI: Ivan Bekey, Bekey Designs Inc., Annandale, Va.)
- Redesigning Living Organisms to Survive on Mars (PI:
Dr. Wendy F. Boss, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, N.C.)
- Analysis of a Lunar Base Electrostatic Radiation Shield
Concept (PI: Dr. Charles R. Buhler, ASRC Aerospace
Corporation, Kennedy Space Center, Fla.)
- New Worlds Imager (PI: Dr. Webster Cash, University of
Colorado, Boulder, Colo.)
- Efficient Direct Conversion of Sunlight to Coherent
Light at High Average Power in Space (PI: Dr. Richard
Fork, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Ala.)
- Use of Superconducting Magnet Technology for Astronaut
Radiation Protection (PI: Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston)
- Wide-Bandwidth Deep-Space Quantum Communications (PI:
Ricky Morgan, Morgan Optics Corporation, San Diego)
- Lunar Space Elevators for Cislunar Space Development
(PI: Jerome Pearson, Star Technology and Research,
Inc., Mount Pleasant, S.C.)
- Large-Product General-Purpose Design and Manufacturing
Using Nanoscale Modules (PI: Chris Phoenix, Center for
Responsible Nanotechnology, Brooklyn, N.Y.)
- Magnetized Beamed Plasma Propulsion (PI: Dr. Robert M.
Winglee of the University of Washington, Seattle)
- A Self-Sustaining, Boundary-Layer-Adapted System for
Terrain Exploration and Environmental Sampling (PI: Dr.
Craig A. Woolsey, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, Va.)